Federal Records Management

General Records Schedules (GRS)

 GRS home page

♦ updated this transmittal


 GRS Title

 1.0 Finance

 GRS 1.1 Financial Management and Reporting Records [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified April 2020 (GRS Transmittal 31)

 GRS 1.2 Grant and Cooperative Agreement Records [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified September 2014 (GRS Transmittal 23) 

 GRS 1.3 Budgeting Records [ PDF ] [ WORD ] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified December 2019 (GRS Transmittal 30)

 2.0 Human Resources

 GRS 2.1 Employee Acquisition Records [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified April 2020 (GRS Transmittal 31)

 ♦ GRS 2.2 Employee Management Records  [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

  Last Modified May 2024(GRS Transmittal 35)

 ♦ GRS 2.3 Employee Relations Records  [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified May 2024 (GRS Transmittal 35)

 ♦ GRS 2.4 Employee Compensation and Benefits Records[ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

  Last Modified May 2024 (GRS Transmittal 35)

 GRS 2.5 Employee Separation Records  [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

   Last Modified April 2020 (GRS Transmittal 31)

 ♦ GRS 2.6 Employee Training Records [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified May 2024 (GRS Transmittal 35)

 GRS 2.7 Employee Health and Safety Records [ PDF ] [ WORD ]  [FAQ ]

 Last Modified March 2022 (GRS Transmittal 32)  

 GRS 2.8 Employee Ethics Records    [ PDF] [ WORD]

  Last Modified September 2016  (GRS Transmittal 26)

 3.0 Technology

 GRS 3.1 General Technology Management Records    [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

  Last Modified November 2019 (GRS Transmittal 30)

 GRS 3.2 Information Systems Security Records    [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

Last Modified January 2023 (GRS Transmittal 33)

 4.0 Information Management

 GRS 4.1 Records Management Records [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified June 2023 (GRS Transmittal 34)

 GRS 4.2 Information Access and Protection Records [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified June 2023 (GRS Transmittal 34)

 GRS 4.3 Superseded July 2017 by GRS 5.1 and 5.2

 GRS 4.4 Library Records[ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified March 2022 (GRS Transmittal 32)

 GRS 4.5 Digitizing Records [ PDF ] [ WORD ] [ FAQ]

 June 2023 (GRS Transmittal 34)

 5.0 General Operations Support

 GRS 5.1 Common Office Records  [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified July 2017 (GRS Transmittal 28)

 GRS 5.2 Transitory and Intermediary Records    [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ] [ FAQ about Transitory Records in Electronic Messages ]

 Last Modified June 2023 (GRS Transmittal 34)

 GRS 5.3 Continuity and Emergency Planning Records  [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified March 2022 (GRS Transmittal 32)

 ♦ GRS 5.4 Facility, Equipment, Vehicle, Property, and Supply Records [ PDF ] [ WORD ] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified May 2024 (GRS Transmittal 35)

 GRS 5.5 Mail, Printing, and Telecommunication Service Management Records [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

   Last Modified April 2020 (GRS Transmittal 35)

 GRS 5.6 Security Management Records [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified May 2024 (GRS Transmittal 32)

 GRS 5.7 Administrative Management and Oversight Records [ PDF ] [ WORD ] [ FAQ ]

 Last Modified March 2022 (GRS Transmittal 32)

 GRS 5.8 Administrative Help Desk Records   [ PDF] [ WORD

 Last Modified July 2017 (GRS Transmittal 28)

 6.0 Mission Support

 GRS 6.1 Email and Other Electronic Messages Managed under a Capstone Approach [ PDF] [ WORD ] [ FAQ ]

UPDATED [ NARA form NA-1005 Verification for Implementing GRS 6.1 ]

Last Modified January 2023 (GRS Transmittal 33)

 GRS 6.2 Federal Advisory Committee Records    [ PDF] [ WORD]

 [ FAQ about 6.2 ] [FAQ about managing FACA records ] [ GRS 6.2 Transfer Checklist ]

 Last Modified August 2015 (GRS Transmittal 24)

 GRS 6.3 Information Technology Records    [ PDF ] [ WORD ]

  Last Modified December 2017 (GRS Transmittal 29) 

 GRS 6.4 Public Affairs Records  Updated   [ PDF] [ WORD] [ FAQ ] [ Guide 2: Scheduling Public Affairs Records ]

 Last Modified April 2020 (GRS Transmittal 31)

GRS 6.5 Public Customer Service Records    [ PDF] [ WORD

 Last Modified July 2017 (GRS Transmittal 28)   

GRS 6.6 Rulemaking Records   GRS 6.6 items 040 and 050 have moved to GRS 5.7, 070, and 080. The rest of GRS 6.6 has been rescinded as of April 2020 (GRS Transmittal 31)


We will continue to edit and refine it, and we invite you to be part of that process. Is the GRS lacking an item you think should be there? Is something there that shouldn't be? Are you having difficulty interpreting an item? Please tell us! Send to: [email protected]

 GRS home page


